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Here we go again. The hussle and bustle of the holiday season. Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday and for me there is always Bill Due January. But seriously, consider what is truly lost in all our celebrations, all of gift exchanging and parties. Is this not the focus to be on the Birth of the Savior. The King has come. God in human flesh. How easily we become enamored with ourselves. It is a big industry. The markets know it, magnizines know it and even some who market Jesus know it. We as people can always find temporary fixes in stuff. We can and do want to experince, even experiencing Jesus. But just thinking shouldn't we as Bible centered, Biblically oriented believers be fixatated on Jesus. Hebrews 12:2 even begs the idea of having our eyes fixed on Jesus. Not just one day but daily, moment by moment. Anything that takes our eyes away from Him is an act of unbelief. Here we are as believers are addressed by God continuely to Trust Him. Not some experience but the very truths He has given to us called the Holy Bible. This season get an "I" exam. Refocus, not on the reason for the season, but the person of Christ who died for your sins giving you forgiveness and rose again to not only to give you His life but that He might live life through you.

Just thinking